Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wk One Continued - What is your Artistic Obsession?

We all have one the subject that compels us to learn more, find out more, search more. Is it Anime, WWII Fighter Planes, The Romans, Finance, Scrabble, Loony Tunes, Rock Posters, Shoes, Underwater Archeology, Atlantis, the Little Black Dress, action figures? Start thinking about what yours is, or what you would like it to be (no stalking though : ) Now think about the fact that whatever it is - it lives in a "designed" world. There isn't anything in our world that does not have some sort of design history - seriously, if all you want and think about is money - there is a design history of $$ and financial imagery. If all you think about is playing Scrabble or Wii, there is a design/art history of that. Find your artistic obsession and prepare to explore it's visual history - in depth. The adventure is in the discovery. We are not going to write some boring "book report or subject paper" we are going to find new ways to look at and question the history of something that interests you. It might be something for your thesis or it might be a much needed break from your thesis. Whatever it is - make it something that actually interests you so that when you are exhausted and don't want to do another thing - you will still be motivated to find out more about your subject. Seriously, my gift to you is that if you follow the directions given in class you can complete the majority of your work for this class during class time - what else are four hour classes for - right? However, you must actually go forth and research. You must discover new things - or, what's the point.

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