Monday, May 5, 2008

Call for Applications: NATPE Diversity Fellowship Program

Now in its second year, the NATPE Diversity Fellowship Program provides a small group of emerging television and video content creators of color with the next step in their career development. Through a series of mentoring meetings, workshops, networking and educational opportunities, the Fellows are afforded a unique opportunity to make valuable contacts and gain real insight into the television industry.

Click here for more information about the Diversity Fellowship

Application process is now open. DOWNLOAD the application form.

This year we hope to grow the program from the 21 Fellows of 2007 to 30 or more. NATPE provides the Fellows with four nights accommodations, all entrance fees to LATV Festival events, special lunches, networking events, one-on-one time with a mentor and transportation. The Fellows are responsible for their own airfare and incidentals. The Fellows are chosen through a selection and submission process with support from key industry organizations whose mission is to support and promote diversity in the media, entertainment and television industries.

For more information, please contact Marjorie Goldberg at
or 310-453-4440.

NWCS Seeks Latin American Films for U.S. Distribution

New World Cinema Series (NWCS) is an exciting initiative to give Latin American films a bigger platform in US cinemas. In a year-long festival-like tour in 20 US cities, the series will show 6 of the greatest films recently produced in Latin America. NWCS was developed by the NY distribution company Matson Films and the production company Belladonna Films. They contracted us to be the point of entry for all Latin American films.

Here are two links to what some of the press has to say about this new distribution program: Variety article, Swissinfo article

We’re in the midst of doing the preselection. So please send us your films as soon as possible and please spread the word.

To learn more about NWCS and/or to download the submission form please go to:

Looking forward to hearing from you and to receiving your films.

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