Friday, March 21, 2008

Week Seven: Howl's Moving Castle

Is there really anything more to be said about Anime?
How about comparing the Moving Castle to the Monster House?
Or this story with 10,000 BC?
We're far enough in the semester for a good, old fashioned compare and contrast.
Have fun with this one.
Don't forget all essays posted before the next class.
Enjoy Spring break.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Four essays due by end of class next week.

Week Six: 10,000 BC

Well? What did you think?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Week Five: Monster House

Another syllabus switch around.

This week we watched Monster House. OK, tell me what's the big appeal of mo-cap (other than technologically) why are you driven as an artist to create something that's not "real" in order to make it look so "real" no one can tell the difference between the "real" and the computer animated/generated image? Why not just work with actual humans and be done with it already?